Monday, September 24, 2007

National Geographic Tumbler and Home made polishing wheel

Here is the link to the pics of the beads I tumbled in my National Geographic tumbler. It's a toy but works fantastic not just for tumbling beads but tumbling copper chain. I tumbled the beads DRY, no water at all, washing them in soapy water between each tumble. I also washed and thoroughly dried the tumbler too between each sanding. I started with a quarter of a sheet of 360 wet and dry, ripped into small pieces. I placed the cup full of beads into the tumbler with the bits of wet and dry and tumbled for 1 & 1/2 hours. After washing the beads and tumbler in hot soapy water I thoroughly dried both and ripped up a quarter of a sheet of 400 grit, tumbled again as before for 1 & 1/2 hours and washed and dried again. I did this for 600, 800, and 1200 grits but for them I let them run for 2 hrs.
I then used my converted bead holder ( I adapted a clamp to save on sore fingers this method is also in my flickr site) and polished them using my home made polisher made from cut out circles of car polishing cloth (looks like felt). No more laborious sanding beads from now on. Just one other thing, I picked up a pendant I had disgarded by accident when first starting the sanding off so I continued putting it in for each sand. It sanded pretty good not as good as the beads but I thought I might mention it.
As to the copper chain maille I used just dry rice and within half an hour the copper was gleaming.